Ages and Ages

Ages and Ages

Ages and Ages

Ages and Ages

Ages and Ages

There are two concepts we deal with which are called an "Age." One is an age of roughly 26,500 years which is always followed by destruction and new creation. The other is the 12 sub-divisions within those ages, based on the Zodiac, running converse to how they run throughout the year. These sub-division ages are based on the sun's position as it orbits the galactic plan, relative to a sign of the zodiac. Because the zodiac isn't evenly spaced, the ages range from 1,800 years to 2,500 years, and there is some disagreement about when one age ends and the next begins.


All previous ages started much nearer to their 26,500 year cycle than this age did. The human race of this age were created during the ages of Virgo and Cancer. Of course, the zodiac varied slightly, as did some of the animals on the Earth, in previous Ages of humanity, but they were roughly the same and operated on the same basic system.

The sub-division ages each reflect where humanity should be in our development by that time, and what attitudes and ceremonies we need to connect to the divine. This is because the Divine is present in all of the Universe, and has set our evolution to progress along with the Zodiac.

Thus, this is humanity represented in the ages since civilization: in the Age of Taurus we have stories of Gilgamesh, born of Uruk the goring wild bull. We have golden calves and bovine deities become more and more prevalent throughout the cultures of the world. The human race began having vast kingdoms, such as Sumer, and learning a different form of culture and civilization. Then the age of Aries begins with the sacrifices of many cultures, including most notably the Hebrews, changing to rams and all of their symbols being ram symbols. We witness a change in how civilization is organized and what percentage of the world's population live in "modern" civilizations, kings and rulers are less often considered to be gods. The age of Aries is often represented by the Moses story in the Torah. The Age of Pisces, as discussed in the page about Yeshua, was marked (though not ushered in) by Yeshua, who came to bring the new message that people would need to grow and continue to evolve throughout the age of Pisces. Coming soon is the Age of Aquarius. This is a very special Age which is different than the 5 ages, including our own current age, preceding it. For more information about the New Age, see the New Age and Human Evolution section near the bottom of the Mysteries Page